The EindhoveN Open Source Interest Group (enosig, spelled lower case) is a loosely organised group of people in the area of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, centralised around the topic of Free and Open Source Software. Examples of widely used free and open source software are GNU/Linux (e.g., Debian and Ubuntu), BSD (e.g., FreeBSD), Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, VLC (VideoLAN), / LibreOffice, Apache, Python, and Bitcoin.
There is no “official” membership (nor a membership fee) of enosig, and we aim to be as easily accessible as possible. Regular visitors could best be described as “participants”, although the term “members” is used at times as well.
The program of meetings vary; sometimes it's just a social gathering, sometimes there are presentations, often it's a mixture of both. Everyone is welcome to give a presentation, in fact, this is highly encouraged! In that case it is advisable to announce your presentation on the mailing list prior to the meeting, so other people know they can attend it, and so we can update the website.
The next enosig meeting will be held on Thursday 16 January 2025 at the Trafalgar Pub, Dommelstraat 21 in Eindhoven, approximately 300 meters from the central railway station. We have a room upstairs, at street-side (Brainbox). No registration is needed to join, no entry fee.
If you have suggestions for future meetings (date and location), please let us know on IRC or the mailing list, or come to the next meeting and announce it there!
The mailing list “people @ enosig” of enosig can be used for discussion about topics relating to free and open source software. This is also where announcements for upcoming enosig meetings and, at times, other free software events are usually posted. Most messages on the list are in Dutch, but English is understood by most readers as well, so do not hesitate to send messages in English.
You can send mail to Mail from people who aren’t subscribed are moderated to prevent unsolicited messages. You can subscribe by sending a mail to The volume is very low, usually only announcements and perhaps a discussion every few months. There is also a, publicly accessible, archive. Please note, before posting any messages, that non-members of the mailing list (as well as web search engines, web spiders, et cetera) can reach this archive as well, and that your messages might be retained in there indefinitely, possibly forever. We do however try to make email addresses (but not names of people) unrecognisable in the archive.
You can mail if you want to contact the organisation of enosig without your mail being posted on the mailing list.
There’s an enosig IRC channel available for chat. To enter this channel you’ll need an IRC client. Some well-known IRC clients are XChat and Irssi.
To connect, use the following information:
Channel: #enosig
The channel provides a nice, friendly atmosphere, and there is usually a decent amount of people present in the channel. This also means that it usually does not take long for someone to reply to any questions you might ask or in case you simply drop by to greet people, even if you are a newcomer. Most messages on the channel are in Dutch, but English is understood by most readers as well, so do not hesitate to speak English.
Joost van Baal and Joost Kooij started enosig: in October 2000 they registered the domain, in November 2001 the first announcement was posted, and on 11 January 2002 the first enosig meeting was held.
Over the years many people have been involved with the organisation of enosig. Among others, these people are: Joost van Baal, Joost Kooij, Lionel Mamane, Johan van Selst, Ronald van Engelen, Ralf van Dooren, Tony den Haan, Rudi Sluijtman, Jan Stap, Kees Stravers, Koen Aben, Michiel Buddingh, Deborah, Geert Stappers, Sander Bos, and Wim.
Abovementioned and many other people have also held presentations at meetings, kept the website up-to-date, provided or financed enosig infrastructure hosting and the domain registration, or made other contributions to enosig. A big thanks to all of these people!
enosig also has a library from which people can borrow books. Some books are owned by enosig, others are made available by participants. Interested in any of these books? Send a mail to the mailing list, ask on IRC, or attend a meeting.